Sharon Ray has spent over 30 years developing leaders and creating systems that drive success. Her expertise in executive leadership development, strategy development, HR, and relationship building has helped her achieve excellence in her field.

Find out how she can help you achieve excellence today.


At ST&A...

We help transform your company at every level by developing your leaders - both present and future. 

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to any challenge, so we develop customized learning experiences for both individuals and departments as needed. Our scalable, self-directed, and immersive learning experiences help drive the changes you want to see in your business. 

Executive Leadership Development

HR Coaching and Development

Management Development

CEO Advising

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Executive Leadership Development

ST&A specialized in developing plans to help the team drive company transformation to achieve the top priorities of the company. We offer professional team assessment and development that is fitted to your needs.

HR Coaching and Development

With over 3 decades of experience, ST&A is equipped to coach HR professionals to achieve the top HR role in their company. 

Additionally, we identify and build HR systems within both small and large scale companies that help transform employees.

Management Development

Successful managers require a winning combination of both hard and soft skills. At ST&A, we are equipped with the best training methods to deliver personalized workshops and sessions that are guaranteed to drive improvement.

CEO Advising

Our decades of expertise and experience in both small and large scale companies help us provide top tier solutions to CEOs at any stage in their career. We are equipped to help improve their companies through: streamlining  business practices, scaling manageable growth, developing team cohesion, and catering to the individual needs of the company.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

It is a core belief here at ST&A that successful workplaces begin with an inclusive workplace culture that leverages differences and promotes inclusivity. Let us help you improve yours with our customizable, holistic DEI&B workshops and trainings that drive meaningful change and verifiable internal and personal growth.